Here at myFIT, I understand that most don’t have a year-round budget for personal training. Rather than trying to ignore this fact and create a sense of dependency, I focus on educating and empowering my clients so they can outgrow me and continue their journey on their own.
Every program is individually designed with not only what you need, but who you are in mind. I am not there just to tell you what to do, I am there to explain why and how this will help. This way you can both make progress, and understand how to implement a sustainable healthy lifestyle.
When you’re done with our program, you should never need a trainer, but rather train simply because you want to.
Let’s take the next and last step in your fitness journey.
+ What do you mean by "I don't just teach you how to use machines and love exercise. I teach you how to use your body and love yourself"?
Typically people associate personal trainers with just simple "counters" who teach you some exercises and yell at you if you eat a donut...
Our focus instead is on teaching you to listen to what your body is telling you, and if you have that donut, helping you understand what led you to that decision. That way we can work together towards making decisions in the future that lead to more fulfilling outcomes.
Too often, when we are searching for something that will help us feel better about ourselves, we never figure out what truly made us feel that way in the first place. All that happens is we remove what we blamed it on, and then feel even worse.
We will always do whatever we can to make sure that we are working towards lasting relief and true happiness, rather than just a temporary release.
+ Hey, my Uncle/Ex/Grandma is a trainer, what makes you different?
While I am excited for every person that wants to enter the fitness industry, this is and will always be my entire career, not just a part time gig. My nights, weekends, and life is built around setting up the right environment for my clients to receive exactly what they need to get where ever it is they want to be.
+ Does myFIT sell supplements or other products?
Absolutely not. I can not be bought by a nutrition company or any other brand. If we do endorse a supplement, I will have you buy it with your hard-earned money wherever you can get the best deal. My job as your trainer is to offer you unbiased guidance through the fog of misinformation. I can't do that with complete honesty if I have financial ties with another company.
+ What about 30/60/90 day challenges?
Again, Absolutely not. The "success stories" that these create imply that anyone that doesn't do it within that time period is a failure. Not everyone can make progress at the same rate, and unfortunately, a large amount of the ones you see on social media are fake. The truth is twisted to make that trainer look better, at the expense of your emotional well-being because you couldn't do the impossible.
I have had clients that the pounds melted off of with barely any work. I have also had clients that when they lost 5lbs it felt better than any other transformation we've had.
Don't worry, our focus is still on fast progress. But I will break down all the numbers for you to show you what is theoretically possible, and then aim for that, not a standard someone else set.
+ Well, how do you feel about personal trainers and the fitness industry?...
Well, to put it simply, I am disappointed in it. The entire industry is plagued by "fitness propaganda" perpetuated by someone trying to make a quick buck selling you something you don't need.
The health and fitness industry is all a lie, designed to make you feel bad about yourself, so you're endlessly pulled in.
Quite frankly, It's an abusive relationship. The things you do right are because of your trainer/program/supplement. The things that go wrong are because you didn't try hard enough, lacked the dedication. Etc.
I want to make sure that when we are done with our time together, you no longer have any need for me, or them.
+ Whats the definition of Murphy's Law and it's relation to my goals?
The definition is commonly stated as "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong". When it comes to your journey, you are going to:
- Get sick
- Have family come visit
- Momentarily lose motivation
- Cave in and have that dessert
There will always be set backs, that doesn't make you a failure, that makes you human.
My job is to set you up for these events so that they are just that, small speed bumps in your journey that you easily recover from.
+ What about Cole's Law?
Cole's law is finely-shredded raw cabbage with a dressing (coleslaw)
With how serious those topics were I felt there needed to be a break. Your health is a serious matter, but I am here to make sure that your journey is enjoyable. I will make sure that every workout, while it may not be your favorite thing, will leave you with a sense of pride and accomplishment. I hope you give us a chance to be a part of what leads to a happier and healthier life. Feel free to give me a call with any more questions or submit your email so we can schedule your two free sessions.